ACTION OF THE COMMUTATOR      

      A commutator performs two important functions in a DC. machine-the first one is to convert alternating quantities to direct quantities or vice-versa and the second function is to keep the rotor or armature m.m.f. stationary in space. The first commutator function of rectifying the alternating quantities in the armature winding to direct quantities at the output brushes Ofa D.C. generator, has already been explained in Art. 3.4.4. In case of a DC. motor, the direct quantities at the brushes are converted to alternating quantities (voltage and current) in the armature winding. Thus a commutator can act both as a convertor or rectifier (AC. to DC.) and as an inverter (DC. to A.C.).. 

        The stator of the DC. machine carries salient poles, which produce stationary air gap flux. For the development of electromagnetic torque, the armature m.m.f. wave must also be stationary in space. The commutator in a DC. machine carries out this second important function of rendering the armature m.m.f. wave stationary in space, inspite of the armature rotation. In the 'present article, this action of the commutator is examined in detail. 

         Fig. 4.3 shows a 2-pole D.C. machine, with four full-pitched coils housed in 4 slots. The four commutator segments, numbered 1 to 4, are insulated from each other and from the shaft. The centre line of the poles around which the field coil (or coils) is wound, is called the direct axis of the machine. The shape of the coil end-connections, makes it necessary to place the two carbon brushes along the direct axis or field axis, as depicted in Fig. 4.3. 

         In an actual D.C. machine, there are a large number of coils and slots and the number of poles is usually greater than 2, except for small D.C. machines. Therefore the DC. machine illustrated in Fig. 4.3 differs much from a real machine, but it serves well in explaining the commutator action. It may also be noted that the brushes make contact with the outside periphery of the commutator, though in Fig. 4.3, these are shown inside the commutator segments, for the sake of clarity. 

        Coil sides in the slots are represented by small circles with crosses and dots in them, indicating currents away and towards the reader, respectively. In Fig. 4.3 (a), there are two parallel paths between the two brushes. One parallel path may be traced as follows-terminal A to right hand carbon brush and commutator segment 1, upper coil-side in slot 1, back end connection 1, lower coil-side in slot 3, commutator segment 2, upper coil-side in slot 2, coil 2, lower coil-side in slot 4, commutator segment 3 and back to the terminal B. The second parallel path is from commutator segment 1, lower coil-side in slot 2, back coil end-connection 4, top coil-side in slot 4, commutator segment 4,10wer coil-side of slot 1 and so on till terminal B is reached. The current entering at the right hand carbon brush divides equally between the two parallel paths described above. The effect of current in the armature coils is to set up an armature m.m.f. that is vertically upward along an axis 90° away from d-axis. This axis, which is space displaced by an angle of 90° from the d-axis, is called the quadrature axis. At the rotor surface, armature m.m.f. creates N-pole at the top and S-pole at the bottom of the rotor. The S-pole on the stator, attracts rotor N -pole and repels rotor S-pole. Similarly N -pole on the stator attracts rotor S-pole and repels rotor N -pole. The torque produced by the interaction of field and armature poles is called electromagnetic torque. If this machine is working as a motor, the rotor would rotate in the direction of electromagnetic torque, i.e. in the clockwise direction in Fig. 4.3. In case the machine is working as a generator, then the rotor must be driven by the prime-mover against the direction of electromagnetic torque for proper energy conversion. In Fig. 4.3, this direction of rotation for generator operation must be anticlockwise. 

            Fig. 4.3 (b) illustrates the conditions when the rotor has turned through 45° clockwise There are again two parallel paths, one through coil 1 and the second through coil 3. It maybé seen that coils 1, 3 (housed in slots 1, 3) have maximum e.m.fs. generated in them ; because these coils are cutting the maximum flux. Coils 2, 4 are short-circuited by the brushes and carry no currents, because e.m.fs. induced in these coils are zero. Currents in coil-sideg pertaining to slots 1, 3 in Fig. 4.3 (b), again establish armature m.m.f. that is direc Vertically upward. Note that coil current in each parallel path is again Ia/2 as it is in Fig. 4.3(a). 

            Fig. 4.3 (c) depicts the condition when the rotor has turned through by further 45° from the position of Fig. 4.3 (b). One parallel path is now through coils 4, 1 and the second parallel path is through coils 3, 2. Coils in each parallel path carry again Ia/2 as it is in Fig. 4.3 (a) and (b). The armature m.m.f. is again directed vertically upward. Hence it can be concluded that armature m.m.f. is always stationary in space and is directed along the interpolar 0r quadrature axis, even though the armature rotates. For a motor, the electromagnetic torque is always acting in the clockwise direction, (Fig. 4.3) and the rotation continues. For a generator, the armature must be driven in anticlockwise direction (Fig. 4.3), for the necessary energy conversion from' mechanical to electrical. 

         An examination of Fig. 4.3 reveals that just before the coils 2, 4 are short-circuited by the brushes, these coils carry current Ia/2 (or in general Ia/a) in one direction. Soon after the short-circuit is over, these two coils carry current Ia/2 (or in general Ia/a) in the reversed direction as shown in Fig. 4.3 (c). Here a is the number of parallel paths and in Fig. 4.3, a is equal to 2. Thus during the time of short-circuit, the currents in the short-circuited coils, in general, must be reduced from Ia/a to zero and then built up to Ia/a. This process of current reversal in the coils short-circuited by the brushes is called commutation and the time during Which it takes place is called commutation period. If the current variation with time is uniform from Ia/a to Ia/a as depicted in Fig. 4.4, a linear commutation is obtained. 

        Another important conclusion from the foregoing analysis is that the magnitude of current in the coils under each pole, remains constant and equal to Ia/a, (Fig. 4.4). But the magnitude of e.m.fs. induced in the coils under each pole is not constant coil under the pole centre has maximum e.m.f. induced in it, whereas the other coils have their e.m.f. magnitudes proportional to the flux density wave present there. 

       The coils short-circuited by the brushes during commutation process must have their coilsides in the zero flux density region so that e.m.f.s induced in them are zero. In other words, the coils undergoing commutation must have their coil sides in the magnetic neutral axis of the field poles, i.e. in the interpolar or quadrature axis. For example, coils 2 and 4 undergoing commutation in Fig. 4.3 (bmm in the magneW neutral axis or interpolar axis. The shape of the coil end connections is such that the brush' axis is aligned along the field pole or direct axis. For convenience in the schematic diagram of a DC. machine, the brushes are shown along the quadrature axis, i.e. in the position of the cons which are short-circuited by the brushes and are undergoing commutation-this schematic diagram for a 2-p01e D.C. machine is shown in Fig. 4.5 (a). Hence it may be stated that the armature m.m.f. is always directed along the brush axis, which now coincides with the interpolar or quadrature axis of the DC. machine. The circuit representation, more commonly employed for a DC. machine with any number of poles is as illustrated in Fig. 4.5 (b). In this figure, circular symbol represents the armature and two small rectangles or squares at the opposite sides of circle represent the two brushes. 

General Concepts of DC Machines for

            According to Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, whenever a conductor is placed in a varying magnetic field (OR a conductor is moved in a magnetic field), an emf (electromotive force) gets induced in the conductor.

            D.C. machine is a highly versatile energy conversion device. It can meet the demand of loads requiring high starting torques, high accelerating and declerating torques. At the same time, D.C. machine is easily adaptable for drives requiring wide-range speed control and quick reversals. These inherent characteristics can further be modified, if desired, by feedback ‘ circuits. In view of these outstanding features, D.C. machine possesses a high degree of flexibility. These are therefore widely used in industry, particularly for tough jobs as are encountered in steel-mill drives-inspite of their higher initial cost. 

           D.C. machines discussed in this chapter have hetropolar field system (alternate N and S poles) and armature-commutator system. In normal D.C. machines, stator core is not laminated ; armature core is, however, always laminated to reduce eddy-current losses. Direct-current machines used in control systems have their magnetic circuit completely laminated. This is done to minimise the effect of eddy-current damping on the fast response required in DC. machines employed in controlled systems. 

           At present, the annual production of DC. machines is about 40% of the rupee volume in electrical-machine production and sales. This is on account of the fact that most highway vehicles use batteries for the storage of electric energy. In these vehicles and automobiles, DC. motors are used as starter motors, windshield-wiper motors, fan motors and for driving other accessories in the vehicles. For these purposes, almost millions of DC. motors are built each year. In industrial applications requiring accurate control of speed and/or torque, DC. motor is unrivalled. Therefore, DC. motors are almost universally employed in steel and aluminium rolling mills, power shovels, electric elevators, railroad locomotives and large earth-moving equipment. 

DC machines - Label all its parts and mention the matertial

           The constructional features of DC. machines have already been described in Chapter 3, where it has been stated that field winding is a concentrated winding on salient poles bolted to the stator frame and armature Winding is a distributed winding housed in the Slots around the periphery of the cylindrical rotor. Basic principles underlying the torque production and e.m.f. generation in DC. machines are also outlined in Chapter 3. The object if this chapter is to present the physical concepts regarding the steady state behaviour of DC. machines. ‘ 
    The object of this example is to supplement the constructional details already described in Art 3.2.3. The reader must go through this article before studying the following presentation. 

(a) Sketch of a 6-pole D.C. machine is shown in Fig.1. In this figure, iron from the bottom of armature teeth to the shaft diameter is the armature core. The flux paths for the six poles are also shown. It is observed from this figure that 

                                            1. Flux paths in a 6-pole D.C. machines

(i) each pole carries a flux ɸ (say), 

(ii) yoke handles half of the pole flux, i.e. ɸ/2, 

(iii) armature core also handles a flux ɸ/2. 

        Reveals that main flux 4) starts from a north pole, crosses the air gap and then travels down to the armature core. There, it divides into two equal (¢/2) halves, each half enters the nearby south pole, each half then passes through the yoke and reaches the starting point of north pole so as to complete the flux path. Each flux line crosses the air gap twice. Some flux lines may not enter the armature ; this flux, called the leakage flux, is not shown in Fig.1. 

 (b) Various parts of a 6-pole D.C. machine are shown in Fig.1. commutator forms the most important component of a DC. machine. In Fig.2, various parts of a 4ole D C machine along with its commutator are labelled.
                                                                    2. 4-pole D.C. machines

       Stator of a DC. machine consists of yoke (or frame), field windings, interpoles, compensating Winding, brushes and end covers. Rotor consists of armature core, armature winding, commutator and shaft. Stator components are described first. 

Yoke -
             It has two functions : -
 (i) it provides path for the pole flux ɸ and carries half of it, i.e ɸ/2
 (ii) it prevides mechanical support to the whole machine. Since the flux carried by yoke is stationary (i.e. constant), it is not laminated. As stated before, case iron is used for small, D.C.machines and fabricated steel for large D.C. machines. In case DC. motor is to be operated through a power-electronics converter, the yoke is laminated to reduce the eddy/ current losses. 

Field poles -
                       Field pole consists of pole core and pole shoe. The pole core is made from cast steel but the pole shoe is laminated and fixed to the pole core appropriately. 
 The present-day practice, however, favours laminated pole. Thus, both pole core and pole shoe are made from thin laminations of sheet steel to reduce the eddy-current losses. The laminated pole is welded 0r bolted to the yoke. 

Field winding -
                          The pole is excited by a winding wound around the pole core. This winding, called field or exciting Winding, is prepared from copper. The number of turns and cross-section of field Winding depend upon the type of DC. machine as under : 

' (i) For D.C. shunt machine, large number of turns of small cross-section are used. 

(ii) For D.C. series machine, small number of turns of large cross-section are used. 

(iii) For D.C. compound machine, both shunt (thin Wire) and series (thick wire) field windings are used. 

Interpoles -
                    These are fixed to the yoke in between the main poles of a DC. machine. These are usually tapered With sufficient sectional area at the root to avoid magnetic saturation. The interpole Winding, consisting of a few turns of thick wire, is connected in series With the armature so that its magnetomotive force is proportional to armature current. 

Compensating windings -
                                            These windings are placed in the slots cut in the pole faces of a DC. machine. Compensating winding is also connected in series With the armature circuit. This winding is, however, used in large D.C. machines only. 

Brushes -
                   Brushes are housed in box-type brush holders attached to the stator end cover, Fig.2 , or the stator yoke. A small spring keeps the brushes pressed on to the commutator surface. The brush pressure on the commutator surface must be carefully adjusted. Too small a brush pressure may lead to excessive arcing between the brushcommutator contact. If the brush pressure is too high, it may cause excessive wear of the commutator surface and the brushes. Brushes are made of carbon for small D.C. machines, electrographite for all D.C. machines and copper-graphite for low-voltage high-current D.C. machines. Rotor components are now described below.

Armature core -
                            It serves the twin purpose of (i) housing the armature coils in the slots and (ii) providing the low-reluctance path to the magnetic flux ¢l2. It is made from 0.35 to 0.50 111m thick laminations of silicon steel to keep down the iron losses. For larger sizes of DC. machines, the armature core is placed on the spider as shown in Fig.2. 

 Armature winding -
                                  The armature winding is made from copper. It consists of large number of insulated coils, each coil having one or more turns. The coils are usually former Wound. These are placed in slots and appropriately connected in series and parallel depending “Poll the type of winding required. There are basically two winding types : (i) lap Winding and (”Wave winding. Two coil ends of each coil are then connected to the riser of segments of a cmmutator, Fig.2. 

Commutator -
                           It 1s of cylindrical structure. It is built up of wedge-shaped segments of
high conductivity hard-drawn ccpper to reduce its wear and tear. Segments. are insulated from each other by 0.8 mm thick mica sheets. The segments are tapered as shown in Fig.3. so that their assemblyresults in circular shape. Hub H and ring R are insulated from commutator segments by mica sheet M and V-shaped so as to prevent the segments from flying out due to centrifugal forces, Fig.2. Each commutator segment, Fig. 3, has a riser where conductors from the armature winding are connected.

                                                      3. One commutator segment

Shaft -
            On armature shaft are mounted 
(i) hub H of commutator, 
(ii) spider in big machines or armature core in smallmachines and (iii) bearings. End covers are connected to the yoke on one side and to the bearings and shaft on the other side,Fig.2.


electrical examination for jobs - 3

1. The area of the hysteresis loop will be least for one of the following materials. It is………

        A. wrought iron

  B. hard steel

     C. silicon steel

D. soft iron

Answer - C

2.  A current of 2 A passes though a coil of 350 turn  wound on a ring of mean diameter 12 cm. The flux  density established in the ring is 1.4 wb/m2. Find the value of relative permeability of iron……

A. 191

B. 600

  C. 1200

         D. 210 ᵡ 103

Answer -  B

3. A bar of iron 1 cmin  cross section has 10-4 wb of magnetic flux in it. If µϒ=2000 what is the magnetic field intensity in the bar…….

        A. 398×10-4 AT/m

B. 398 AT/m

       C.796×10-3 AT/m

        D. 398×10AT/m

Answer -  B

4. One sine wave has a period of 2 ms another has a period of 5 ms and other has a period of 10 ms. Which sine wave is charging at a faster rate ……..

    A. sine wave with period 2 ms

        B. sine wave with period of 5 ms

C. all are at the same rate

               D. sine wave with period of 10 ms

Answer -  A

5. In a pure inductive circuit if the supply frequency is reduced to ½ the current will…………..

            A. be reduced by half doubled

      four times as high

                        D. be reduced to one fourth

Answer - B

6. There are 3 lamps 40w, 100w and 60w. To realize the full rated power of the lamps they are to be connected in………

A. series only

 B.parallel only

    C. series-parallel

        D. series or parallel

Answer - B

7. If in an RLC series circuit, the frequency is below the resonant frequency, then…..


B. X< XL

C. X= XL

                 D. none of the above

Answer -C

8. An RLC circuit has R=10 ohm L=2H. what value of capacitor will make the circuit critically damped……..

 A. 0.02 F

 B. 0.08 F

C. 0.2 F

 D. 0.4 F

Answer - B

9. When a series RL circuit is connector to a voltage source V at t=0, the current passing through the inductor L at t =0is………

A. V/R

    B. infinite

C. zero

 D. V/L

Answer - C

10. Three wattmeter method of power measurement can be used to measure power in…………

A. Balanced circuits

   B. Unbalanced circuit

                      C. Both balances and unbalanced

   D. none of the above

Answer - C

11. Flat rate tariff is charged on the basis of……

  a. connected load

   b. units consumed

       c. maximum demand

d. both (i) and (ii)

Answer - b

12. For power factor improvement, static capacitors have the drawback (s) of……

    a. short service life

                               b. getting damaged by high voltage

c. not repairable

   d. all of the above

Answer - d

13. Domestic consumers are generally charged by……

a. simple tariff

   b. flat rate tariff

      c. block rate tariff

                   d. maximum demand tariff

Answer - c

14. The brush voltage drop in a d.c. machine is about …………

   a. 0.1 V

  b. 10 V

c. 2 V

   d. 20 V

Answer - c

15. Small d.c. machines generally have ………poles.

a. 4

b. 6

c. 2

d. 8

Answer - c

16 …….. d.c. machines are most common.


b. 4-pole

c. 6-pole

d. 8-pole

Answer - b

17. A triplex wave winding will have ……… parallel paths.

a. 6

b. 2

c. 4

                            d. none of the above

Answer -  a

18. High-voltage d.c. machines use …….. winding.

a. lap

     b. wave

                         c. either lap or wave

                          d. none of the above

Answer - b

19. The yoke of a d.c. machine carries ,…….. pole flux.

  a. the

                    b. one-half of the

                  c. two times the

                          d. none of the above

Answer - b

20. The commutator pitch for a simplex lap winding is equal to …….

                                                 a. number of poles of the machine

               b. pole pairs

 c. 1

                           d. none of the above

Answer - c