Basic of Transformers Construction

    Transformer Construction:-
                                                  There are two general types of transformers, the core type and the shall type. These two types differ from each other by the manner in which the windings are wound around the magnectic core.
  The magnetic core is a stack of thin silicon-steel laminations about 0.35mm thick for 50Hz transformers. In order to reduce the eddy current losses, these laminations are insulated from one another by thin layers of varnish. For reducing the core losses, nearly all transformers have their magnetic core made from cold-rolled grain-oriented sheel-steel (C.R.G.O). This material, when magnetized in the rolling direction, has core loss and high permeability.
        In the core-type, the winding surround a considerable part of steel core as shown in fig (a). In the shell type the steel core surround a major part of the windings as shown in fig (b).


      For a given output and voltage rating, core-type transformer requires less iron but more conductor material as compared to a shell-type transformer. The vertical portions of the core are usually called limbs or legs and the top and bottom portions are called the yoke. This means that for single phase transformers, core-type has two legged core whereas shell type has three legged core. In iron-core transformers, most of the flux is confined to high permeability core. Leaks flux through  the core legs and non-magnetic material surrounding the core. This flux called leakage flux links one winding and not the other. A reduction in this leakage flux is desirable as it improves the transformer performance considerably. Consequently, an effort is always made to reduce it. In the core-type transformer, this is achieved by placing half of the low voltage winding over leg and other half over the second leg or limb. For the high voltage winding also, half of the winding is over one leg and the other half over the second leg as shown in fig (c)
  low voltage winding is placed adjacent to the steel core and H.V. winding outside, in order to minimise the amount of insulation required.
            In the shell type transformer, the L.V. and H.V. windings are wound over the central limb and are interleadved or sandwiched as shown in fig (d).


 Note that the botton and top L.V. coils are of half the size of other L.V. coils. Shell-type transformers are preferred for low voltage low-power levels, whereas core type construction is used for high voltage . In core type transformer, the flux, has a single path around the legs or yokes. In the shall type transformer, the flux in the central limb divides equally and returns though the outer two legs.There are two types of windings employed for transformers. The connecntic coils are used for core-type transformer. One type of laminations for the core and shell-type of transformers is illustranted  as shown in fig (d)

The steel core is assembled in such a manner that the butt joints in adjacent layers are staggened as illustrated. The staggering of the joints avoids continuous air gap and therefore, the reluctance of the magnetic circuit is not increased. At the same time, a continuous air gap would reduce the mechanical strength of the core and therefore, the staggering of the butt joint is essential.
    During the transformer construction first the primary and secondary winding are wound, then the laminations are pushed through the coil openings, layer by layer and the steel core is prepared. The laminations are then tightened by means of clamps and bolts. Low power transformers are air-cooled whereas large power transformers are immersed in oil  for better cooling. In oil-cooling transformers, the oil serves as a coolant and also as an  insulating medium.
    For power frequency range of 25 Hz to 400 Hz, transformers are construnted with 0.35mm thick silicon-steel laminations. For audio-frequency range of 20Hz to 20,000Hz, iron core with suitable refinements is used. For high frequencies employed in communication circuits, core is made up  of powderd ferromagnetic alloy. In special cases, the magnetic circuit of a transformer may be made of non-magnetic material and in such a case, the transformer is referred to as an air-core transformer. The air-core transformer is primarily used in radio devices and in certain types of measuring and testing instruments. Cores made of soft ferrites are also used for pulse transformers as well as for high frequency electronic transformers.

Permanent magnet moving coil

                               Permanent magnet moving coil


         The instruments of this type, the deflection of the instrument provides a basis for determining the quantity under measurement. The measured quantity produces some physical effect with deflects produces a mechanical displacement of the moving system of the instrument.
         An  opposing effect is built in the instrument which tries to oppose the deflection or the mechanical displacement of the moving system. The opposing effect is closely related to the defection or mechanical displacement which can be directly observed. The opposing effect is so designed that it magnitude increases with the increase of eflection or mechanical displacement of the moving system caused by the quantity under measurement. The balance is achieved when opposing effect equal to cause producing the deflection or mechanical movement. The defection or mechanical movement. The value of the measured quantity can then be  inferred from the deflection or mechanical displacement at the point of balance.
                                                          Permanent magnet moving coil
Example PMMC :- 
                               PMMC in a use ammeter, the deflection of the moving coil is proportionl of the cunnent the quantity under measurement. The torque acting on the moving coil is proportionl to current or which is  dependent upon flux density, number of turns and area of moving coil. The opposing effect is produced by a spring whose torque is proportionl to deflection or where is the spring contant whose value depends upon materil and the dimension of  the spring. Under the condition of balance or deflection and current.         
    The value of measured quantity, cunnent, in this case dependent upon the value of deflection and the constants of the meter. thus, in order to make the instrument direct reading, it reads the value of current direction in terms of terms of the deflection, it will have to be calibrated to make into consideration by value G and  K.
       we conclude in a deflection  type instrument the value of measured quantity depends upon the calibration of the  instrument. 

Basic A. C machines


 These are futher classified as transfomers , synchronous machines, induction machines  and A.C commutator machines.

1. Transformers :-
                               A transformer is not an electromechanical converter. It is used in almost all the devies energised from  ac source. It usually steps up or steps down electrical energy from one voltage level to another voltage level. However, it is also employed with unity turns ratio for isolation purposes. In small sizes single phase transformers are used. For large ratings, 3-phase transformers are more common.

2. Synchronous machines:-
                                             In these machines, the field poles may be on stator or rotor. In bigger sizes, field poles are always on the rotor. Field windig on  rotor is excited with D.C . whereas stator winding handles three-phase A.C. power. Rotor runs at synchronous speed Ns . Frequency f  of the e.m.f. generated in armature is given by
                                                                 f = PN/ 120  Hz
    A synchronous machine is a doubly excited machine. It is employed as an alternator for the generation of three phase power at all the generating stations. It is also used as a synchronous motor for special applications.

3. Induction machines:-
                                        These are of two types, three-phase induction machiase  and single phase induction machines. Both types are singly excited in the sense that stator of 3-phase induction motor is fed from 3-phase A.C. source whereas stator of single phase induction motor is energised from 1-phase A.C. source.
A). Three phase induction machines :- 
                                                                  The stator winding of a three phase induction motor, connected to 3-phase mains, carries both load current and field-producing exciting current. The field produced rotates at synchronous speed in the air gap but rotor speed  is always less than synchronous
speed. Two types of 3-phase induction motor is energised from 1-phase A.C. source.
a) . SCIM:-
                  Rotor carries copper, or aluminium, bars embedded in rotor slots. these bars are short-circuited by two end rings, one at each end. SCIM has the most rugged construction and is used where control of starting torque or speed is not needed.
b) . SRIM:-
                   Its stator is similar to the stator of SCIM, but rotor carries 3-phase winding with three leads connected to three slip rings mounted on the shaft. Brushes pressing on the slip rings allow the insertion of external resistance in the rotor circuit. SRIMs are used where speed, or torque, control is required. A 3-phase induction motor, connected to 3-phase source, can operate as a 3-phase induction generator when driven above synchronous speed. This, however has not become commercially popular due to certain limitation.
B). Single phase induction machines:-
                                                                 In addition to 3-phase induction machines discussed above, single phase induction motors are used where single phase low voltage is available, as in homes, offices, class rooms,  shops, etc.

4. A.C. Commutator machines:-
                                                      As the name suggests, these machines are fed from A.C. source and are fitted with commutators. A large variety of A.C commutator machines are reported in the literature. Only three phase schrage motors and single phase series motors have withstood the onslaught of time . For wide speed control, 3-phase schrage motor is reliable and introduces no harmonics into the supply system as are produced by inverter-fed three phase induction motors.
     Single phase series motors are indispensable where high starting torque and light weight is desirable as in sewing machines, food processor, vacuum cleaners and tools. In small sizes, this motor is gives the highest power output per cost, though it makes more noise.  In addition, this motor is easily adaptable to speed or torque control though the use of power electronics based 1 phase voltage controllers.   

electrical JE exam

electrical exam for jobs

1. The flow of current in solids in due to.......

   Electrons flow

2. The resistance of human body is around........

     300 - 1000 ohms

3. The draft velocity of electrons is........

   very small as compared to speed of light  

4. One coulomb charge equals the charge on......
     6.24*10     electrons 

5. electric pressure is also called.......


6. The substances which have a large number of free electrons and offer a low resistance are called is ........


7. The resistance of a conductor varies inversely as.....

    Area of cross section

8. which of the following statement is true both for a series and a parallel D.C circuit......

    power are additive

9. all of the following are equivalent to watt excet........

     I/V = W

10. which of the following ampere second could be the unit......


11. The minimun change on an ions is.......

     Eqral to the charge of an electrons

12. In a series circuit with unequal resistance a the highest resistance has the most of cunnent throught it.....

  the highest resistance has the highest voltage drop.

13. If a parallel circuit is opened in the main line the cunnent is.............

     the cunnent is zero in all branches.

14. If a wire conductor of 0.2 ohms resistance is doubled in length its resistance becomes........


15. Three 60W bulbs are in parallel across the 60V power line. It one bulb burn open circuit so two bulbs......

     two bulbs burns 

16. A closed switch has a rasistance of......


17. The thichness of insulation provided on the condutor depends on.......

       The magnitude of voltage on the conductor

18. Heat in a conductor is produced on the passage of electri cunnent due to .........


19. Which of the following quantites remain the same in all parts of a series circuit........

20. In the circuit in resistance of battery is zero and the resistance is grandully increased voltmeter reading will.....

       reading remain same

21. In the circuit if the battery has some finite resistance voltmeter reading......


22. A 40W bulb is connected in series with a room heater. If now 40W bulb is repleced by 100W bulb, the heater output will.......


23. A 500W 220V bulb is supplied with 110V power consumption by the bulb will be......

      Exactly 125W

24. Kirchhoff''s current law is applicable to only .......
      junction in a network

25. An ideal voltage source should have....
      zero source resistance 

26. An ideal cunnent soucre should have ....

      infinite source resistance

27. The venin resistance Rth is found .....

       between same open terminals as for Eth

28. Are the conductors which connect the consumer's terminals to the distribution....

     servise mains 

29. The usual spans with R.C.C pole are....

     80 - 100 metres

30. The phonomenon of rise in voltage at the receiving end of  the open-circuit of or lightly loaded line in called the....
        Ferranti effect 

31). The area of the hysteresis loop will be least for one of the following materials. It is………

 A). wrought iron

 B). hard steel

 C). silicon steel

 D). soft iron

Answer :- C

32). A current of 2 A passes though a coil of 350 turn  wound on a ring of mean diameter 12 cm. The flux density established in the ring is 1.4 wb/m2. Find the value of relative permeability of iron……

A). 191

B). 600

C). 1200

D). 210 ᵡ 103

Answer :-  B

33. A bar of iron 1 cm2 in  cross section has 10-4 wb of magnetic flux in it. If µϒ=2000 what is the magnetic field intensity in the bar…….

A). 398×10-4 AT/m

B). 398 AT/m

C).796×10-3 AT/m

D). 398×104 AT/m

Answer :- B

34. One sine wave has a period of 2 ms another has a period of 5 ms and other has a period of 10 ms. Which sine wave is charging at a faster rate ……..

A). sine wave with period 2 ms

B). sine wave with period of 5 ms

C). all are at the same rate

D). sine wave with period of 10 ms

Answer :- A

35. In a pure inductive circuit if the supply frequency is reduced to ½ the current will…………..

A). be reduced by half

B).be doubled

C).be four times as high

D). be reduced to one fourth

Answer :- B

36. There are 3 lamps 40w, 100w and 60w. To realize the full rated power of the lamps they are to be connected in………

A). series only

B).parallel only

C). series-parallel

D). series or parallel

Answer :- B

37. If in an RLC series circuit, the frequency is below the resonant frequency, then

A). XC =XL

B). XC < XL

C). XC = XL

D). none of the above

Answer :-C

38. An RLC circuit has R=10 ohm L=2H. what value of capacitor will make the circuit critically damped……..

A). 0.02 F

B). 0.08 F

C). 0.2 F

D). 0.4 F

Answer :- B

39. When a series RL circuit is connector to a voltage source V at t=0, the current passing through the inductor L at t =0+ is………

A). V/R

B). infinite

C). zero

D). V/L

Answer :- C

40. Three wattmeter method of power measurement can be used to measure power in…………

A). Balanced circuits

B). Unbalanced circuit

C). Both balances and unbalanced

D). none of the above

Answer :- C

41. EMF Method is used for calculation of……..

A)Voltage Regulation



D) None of these


42. Slip of Induction Motor at Starting……..






43. Squirrel Cage Induction Motor is having……..
A)High Starting Torque 
B) Low Starting Torque 

C) Both A&B
 D) None of these


44. Slipring Induction Motor is having………. 

A)High Starting Torque
B) Low Starting Torque 

C) Both A&B  

 D) None of these


45. RMF Means of…….

A) Rotating Motive Force
B) Rotating Magnetic Field

C) Rotating Mechanical force

 D) None


46. Synchronous Speed (Ns)……..

A)    120f/P

B)    120P/f

     C) Both A&B  

     D)None of these


47. Voltage Regulation is…….


 B) V-E/V

 C) E-V/E 



48. Slip of Induction motor…….


C) Ns-Nr/Nr 
D) None of these


49. Three Phase Slip ring Induction motor rotor is having……..

A) Three phase winding  

B) Single Phase winding   

C) Two Phase winding

 D) None of these
50.Three Phase Squirrel cage Induction motor rotor is having…….

A) Three phase winding  
 B) Single Phase winding
C) Two Phase winding
 D)Short Circuited Copper Bars